
Kinderbuch: Abenteuer auf dem Planeten Leibowitz – Das große Flugfest

Ich habe mein erstes Buch geschrieben.

Es ist ein Science-Fiction-Kinderbuch. Es richtet sich besonders an Kinder und ehemalige Kinder, die glauben (oder wissen), dass sie anders sind als die anderen.

Es gibt unter anderem Superkräfte, ungewohnte Geschlechter und gewöhnungsbedürftige, aber auf manchen Exo-Planeten tatsächlich vorkommende Himmelsphänomene.

Viel Spaß beim Lesen! Über Feedback freue ich mich sehr.


ZIP-File mit Versionen für Verschiedene E-Book-Reader:

The Youngest Speaker

A very special moment at Speakers’ Corner in London’s Hyde Park in February 2002, though certainly not my best pictures.

This speaker was just 9 years old.

Never before or after have I seen that much sympathy and respect from the audience at Speaker’s Corner. Many people actually sat down on the cold pavement so the speaker did not have to crane his neck in order to see his listeners’ faces. And the crowd was huge! I was hardly able to take half decent pictures at all.

Click on any of the pictures to browse through full sized pictures.

A New Beginning

I started this website in 1996. Back then I built the pages by manual HTML-coding without knowing anything about HTML beyond the very basics. Alas the website looked exactly like that. So I finally decided to have my analogue negatives scanned by a professional. Before that I had very few of my analogue pictures in digital form and those scans were of poor quality.

Now I want to show the newly digitized pictures to the world and I took this opportunity to modernize the website as well.

I hope you like my work. I will appreciate your feedback very much.

New York Manhattan Brooklyn Bridge 1992
New York